
Dec 17, 2011

3 generations of breeders

Breeding and showing our Italians is a "project" that involve 3 generations. Right from deciding on a particular combination, receiving the newborn puppies, taking care of the dogs on a daily basis and showing the dogs. 3 generations are takingpart and making this a wonderful hobby to unite the family.

Besides from taking part in junior handling, Krister and Ulrikke had this year their debut in the main ring helping with our breeders group at Hilleroed INT show. And in Herning Ulrikke had her first go in the breed ring!!! Ulrikke (only 7 years) did a super job with our Gemma!! We have no photos from the breed ring, but we where lucky enough to have this photo taken on the day.

Birthe, Ulrikke & Susie and our little Gemma            (photo: Wiegaarden)