
Oct 16, 2019

Newborn puppies – the N-litter

Our long waited “Italian” litter after Sober Titus has finally arrived! On the of October our Inuccia gave birth to 4 wonderful puppies!
Mom Inuccia is having very strong instincts. Birth and handling of the newborn puppies was relaxed and easy. She knows exactly what to do when and why. Such a fantastic experience to witness the birth and her reactions based entirely on instincts! 

Inuccia gave birth to 4 little wonderful boys:

N-litter 1 day reduceret 500


N-litter newborn a reduceret 500


Immediately after the birth of the last boy Inuccia turned all her concentration to nursing the 4 newborn puppies. The puppies are so small and fragile when newborn, completely helpless, but with an amazing ability to smell their way to the milk bar and like small heat seeking missiles – to find their mom and litter mates. In their search after the milk and siblings we see them with the characteristic turning their heads from side to side.

The first days after birth Inuccia only leaves the whelping box when she has to go outside for a quick toilet visit. All meals are served in the whelping box so she doesn't have to leave the puppies. 

Here is a small video taken only a few hours after the birth:

A few photos of the 4 puppies one day after the birth:

And two little videos showing the small family only 24 hours old:

For more details about the parents see under “Plans”. We are so grateful to Bitte and Pieri, the breeders of Sobers Titus, that they trusted us and allowed us to use him for this special litter!! It is the first litter after the young (not even turned 2 years old) Titus!