
Apr 7, 2019

M-litter - 4 weeks old


Marcello Mondo

The  speed with which they develop from 3 to 4 weeks is tremendous. They can now be awake for longer periods of time  and are full of energy and enthusiasm to explore the “world”. They move around quite fast now though most of the time the brain and legs do not quite coordinate and they keep tumbling around :o) They now actively play with each other, their mom and the toys. The plush toys are “attacked” by the little upcoming sighthounds and they try to grab the toys and move them around. Though that still means tumbling around every time they try :o) 
They now see and hear quite good though they are still having their difficulties when they come too far away from their base. Then they starts to call for their mom and she comes running and guide them back again. When we are a couple af meters away from the puppies they still can´t navigate towards us when we call. It takes quite some weeks for the sight and hearing to develop fully.


They also use their mouth more and more now when exploring their surroundings and we can now begin to feel very small tips of the puppy teeth. Silence before storm……. 
They have now also said finally good bye to their much beloved whelping box, and the perimeter that they are exploring is enlarged. Now also exploring the adjacent rooms to the kitchen.

The social activities are now raised. They meet new people, young and old, and the two boys are very popular with the friends of Krister and Ulrikke :o) No doubt the most cute dogs in the village :o) 

They have also been introduced to the rest of the dog family. Mom Jazetta was not too fond of that idea, but the boys loved it! They immediately started to check for new milkbars. Though much to their disappointment they didn´t have any success with that. On the video you can see the two boys having a cosy time with Inuccia after meeting her for the first time. Inuccia just loves them and is so much wishing that it was her puppies! Inuccia have had puppies before and was the best possible mom in the world. So now the two golden boys seem to have two moms :o)


In order to get the puppies used to different noises we use a couple of specially recorded sound tracks with sounds like thunder, gun shots, traffic and ambulances. It is played every day and the puppies sleep, play and eat as if it was just music at the radio. Here you can see Marcello exploring one of the noisy machines in the house - the vacuum cleaner:

4 weeks old and simply babylicious:

Marcello Mondo



Marcello Mondo


At 4 weeks old most of the day is still spend sleeping: