
Mar 31, 2019

M-litter - 3 weeks old

The development has gone fast from 2 to 3 weeks old. 14 days old they had just begone to open their eyes and they are now fully open. This also means that their motoric skills have been greatly improved this week and both are very interested in exploring every corner of our kitchen :o)

During the week our two baby-boys also got their names. Let´s present:




Mom Jazetta still has lot´s of milk for the boys, but on the day they turned 3 weeks we tried to introduce puppy food to them. And they really loved it!! On the video you can see them eating for the very first time. They didn´t hesitate a second and just started to eat right away – not leaving any left overs for their disappointed mom :o) No doubt that they have inherited their mom´s passionate affection for food :o) 


The puppies still sleep a lot every day, and can only be awake for 5-10 minutes at a time. And when you have eaten, played and bullied your brother and fall asleep after exploring a new corner of the kitchen it is so good to be able to use a human hand as a pillow:

Or just to fall asleep in the lap together with your best buddie:

In the past week is was time for the very first cutting of nails. Their nails are so very, very tiny but grow fast in this age. So to give them the best possibilities to get up on their feet in the best possible way, the nails are cut at this very young age – despite their tiny size. And our two cool kids were totally relaxed and both slept all the time. We try to get the puppies used to being touched all over the body and especially on the paws. The “training” is started from newborn and we like to think the “training” has payed off and making the first nail cut this easy :o) 

The puppies future ability to show trust in humans are based at this very young age. All things from the mother liking and nursing the puppies and to being close with humans and being touched and cuddled make the puppies produce the hormone oxytoxine that is so important for their future ability to live happy and close together with humans. This for sure is one of the “tasks” where the whole family very freely want to give a helping hand  – being close to the puppies, letting them explore you from top to toe and to feel their 100% trust in you when they seek to you for their sleep after their adventures, is the most wonderful feeling and so very life affirming! 


The two brothers playing in the whelping box - from the beginning of the past week:

and the twin brothers a couple of days later first time on the floor and starting to explore the world (= kitchen :o) ):